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Friday, May 13, 2011

Your spouse is not your enemy.(BORROWED)

This is a great read and helpful to those who are married. I am posting this again since it went off my blog somehow. (I borrowed this from Laura on www.Heavenly
When your spouse does something to hurt you or upset you; when your spouse is thoughtless or inconsiderate; when your spouse forgets to do something you asked him or her to do; when your spouse makes you mad or causes you pain; when your spouse doesn’t seem to be on your side…
You need to remember that your spouse is not your enemy.
The enemy is your enemy.  Satan is the enemy.  The enemy doesn’t want your marriage to survive.  The enemy doesn’t want your marriage to be strong.  The enemy doesn’t want your marriage to make an impact for God’s Kingdom.
Your spouse is your teammate in this war against the enemy.  The enemy wants to tear your marriage apart.  You and your spouse are in this marriage together and you are not enemies.  You may not always see everything the same way, you may not always agree in every situation.  You may feel like your spouse is choosing to be your enemy.  But no, that isn’t true.  Your spouse is not your enemy.
No matter how tough your struggles, no matter how terrible your pain, no matter what your spouse does or doesn’t do…you must remember that your spouse is not your enemy.
Recognize the enemy when he tries to attack the teamwork of your marriage.  Do not focus your thoughts around your spouse when you are hurt or upset, thinking that your spouse is the enemy.  This will get you nowhere, except to keep you hurt and upset.
Instead, focus on prayer to the One who is holy and righteous, and much more powerful than the enemy.  Focus your prayers on asking God to preserve your marriage, to strengthen your marriage and above all, to defeat the enemy.
May you be blessed as you and your spouse work together, letting God strengthen and protect your marriage against the enemy.  Praise God for His unfailing power and for the hope He brings to your life and to your marriage!

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