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Tuesday, October 1, 2013


 Have you ever met a perfectionist? Perhaps you're a perfectionist. What is a perfectionist? According to Webster its

 a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable; especially : the setting of unrealistically demanding goals accompanied by a disposition to regard failure to achieve them as unacceptable and a sign of personal worthlessness.

Wow, is this how you feel or perceive yourself? How do you respond when your well planned plans go awry? Do you take your frustrations out on those closest to you, or do you just go with the flow, being flexible.

  I don't know what you do, but I know what I do. I am not a perfectionist but at times my actions say I am. You know the saying "action speak louder than words." I love having every detail laid out just so and everything go according to my plans. I do get frustrated when things don't go right. Sometimes I take it out on those close to me. I will even go so far as to put myself down. I let these things rule my life and my attitude. Is this pleasing to God? No its not in any way and He is showing me this. 
  What does God say about Perfection? We know we are to be perfect even as God is (Matt 5:48). I found 121 verses in the Bible that mentions the word perfect. Majority of the verses talked about God's perfection, which is complete. One verse stuck out at me though, its 2 Samuel 22:33 God is my strength and power:and he maketh my way perfect. Oh my word, this verse hits me right in the heart. I try to be perfect in my own strength and power which normally ends up leaving me frustrated and feeling worthless. We are to strive for perfection but with God's strength and power we achieve it. He can make our way perfect and he usually does.
   As I continue to let God perfect my way my plans don't seem so demanding. If you are a perfectionist and struggle with the letdowns and frustrations give it to God. He will perfect your way.

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