5 grams of fat or less (Equivalent to 1 tsp, 2 at the most)
45g of carbs per meal max
Lean meats and legumes are recommended for this type of meal.
S = Satisfying (Low Carb)
5 grams of carbs or less (low starch veggies)
Plenty of good fats like real butter or coconut oil
Recommend fattier meats for this type of meal.
The basic are:
Eat every three hours (Very important to regulate insulin levels)
Wait at least three hours after an E meal to change to an S meal, and vice versa.
FP's(see below) can be used as an in between snack for either of the E and S meal types.
After a few months try:
FP= Fuel Pull (Low Fat & Low Carb)
Less than 5g of fat and less than 10g of carbs.
Mainly protein meals like lean meat or eggs.
Main rule:
Never include large amounts of fats and carbs in a single meal until your goal weight is reached.
Fats and carbs should be spaced out by at least three hours.
Highly potent carbs like bread and potatoes are to be avoided. Sweet potatoes, starchy vegetables, brown rice, quinoa and old fashioned oats are recommended instead because they have a less drastic effect on blood sugar and insulin production, very important. There will be more on insulin levels and weight gain in a later post.
For more information read Trim Healthy Mama.